Thursday, April 5, 2012

April's antics of the Divorcee

Being the 5th of April you wouldn't think that Sybil has had much time to come up with anything new to do BUT my dear friends you would be wrong. Sybil has to have SOMETHING to do with her time since Ronald's older brother FINALLY opened his eyes and left Sybil and her head games for another woman. So once again Ronald and Alissa are under "attack". For 3 days straight Sybil refused to answer the phone when Ronald Called to talk to Stacy and Jeb. Finally when he was able to get a hold of her all she wanted to talk about was money (i know big surprise right folks) She informed Ronald that she has not received child support yet and there fore she wasnt answering the phone. She just went through yet another child protective service investigation where one of Sybil's "close friends" turned her in for not only drug abuse but allowing Bryan to BEAT Stacy and Jeb. This is the 5th Investigation in 4 years. The system continues to fail these poor children. Check back dear friends for the rest of this story as soon as Sybil thinks of her next act!!
APRIL 11th 2012
  Once again it has been DAYS since Sybil has answered the phone but once again Ronald was persistant and she FINALLY did pick up the phone. She however didnt let the children speak to Ronald but instead went on a tirade about money! Sybil says and i quote " I will not answer the phone again until i get my child support" Its this bystanders point of view that she must be pretty hard up for a "hit" if shes going to stoop so low as to try this tactic once again! Sybil has already been told that visitation and child support ARE NOT combined. SO apparently Sybil is looking to get yet another lawyer (she hasnt even paid her last one yet) and head back to court yet again!

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